The Gupta Vidya - Volume I

God, Nature and Man

  ISBN 978-0-9992382-6-4  Print

  ISBN 978-0-9992382-7-1  eBook

by Raghavan Iyer

  Available at
  in both eBook and print editions.

The Gupta Vidya contains the Theosophical writings of Raghavan N. Iyer, published in Hermes from 1975 through 1989 and collected and revised by himself. The first volume provides an overview of the Gupta Vidya, the timeless teachings of Theosophy, focusing on the nature of deity and the septenary composition of both Nature and the human being. Beginning with an overview of Theosophy and its ageless wisdom, essays illuminate the self-existent nature of deity beyond all thought and conception, the creative logos behind and within the sevenfold manifestation of existence, the nature of consciousness and the highest principle, atman. Then the whole of involution and evolution is set out in a cosmic context and with special reference to the human being as an immortal soul, the real Man in each individual, and its role in the evolutionary process. A third section of essays surveys the nature of consciousness and self-consciousness at their various levels of activity. Throughout the volume, practical suggestions are offered to the aspiring reader who seeks to awaken ever deeper levels of his or her own conscious awareness of self and world. Several appendices include classic Theosophical writings of H.P. Blavatsky and others that further explains these subjects. A glossary and index are included.


Professor Iyer earned first-class honors in Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford University, a doctorate in Philosophy, and then was selected to be an Oxford Don in philosophy and politics. He lectured throughout Europe and also in Africa, and his extensive writings have been published by Oxford University Press and Concord Grove Press. He also lectured for many years at the United Lodge of Theosophists in Santa Barbara, where he also founded the Institute of World Culture.


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